Venue: Robertson State School Boardroom (entry via Estoril Street)
Time: 6pm-7pm
Join us for a round-table discussion on the controversial article 'Why gifted children are just as likely to fail in life'.
Bring your own mug for refreshments and contribute a gold coin to support provisions.
No concurrent activities for children will be provided during the event.
Robertson State School, 688 Musgrave Road
Robertson QLD 4109
QAGTC South cordially invites all parents and caregivers to attend a round-table discussion on the controversial 2010 article 'Why gifted children are just as likely to fail in life'.
This gathering aims to foster open dialogue and collaboration, providing attendees with a platform to share their concerns and insights about their children's academic progress, emotional well-being, physical health, and social development.
Our goal is to harness the collective wisdom of our community to offer valuable support and practical guidance to all participants.
The article, a short 3 minute read, can be found here:
In the spirit of eco-friendliness, we encourage attendees to bring their own mugs for refreshments. Coffee, tea, and biscuits will be available, and we kindly ask for a gold-coin contribution to support these provisions.
We eagerly anticipate your presence at this event and look forward to engaging in meaningful conversations surrounding the article and its implications for parents and caregivers.
Please note that no concurrent activities for children will be provided during the event. If you plan to bring your children, please ensure they have their own engaging activities to keep them occupied.
Meeting details:
Boardroom, Robertson State School
688 Musgrave Road, Robertson, QLD4109 (Entry via Estoril Street)
For any questions or inquiries regarding the event, please contact us at: south [at] qagtc [dot] org [dot] au.
For more information about this event please email south [at]
Bookings are now closed (as of 18/04/2023 - 17:00)