The Queensland Association for Gifted and Talented Children (QAGTC) is a member-funded, volunteer-based, incorporated organisation dedicated to the support of gifted children and their families. As such, membership of the association is reserved to adults. QAGTC is registered as a not-for-profit organisation with charity status.
In addition to publishing Mindscape, we also provide an information service (for parents and professional educators), children’s and adults’ activities, and advocacy for advancing the cause of gifted children within communities, schools, education systems and government. Workshops are held regularly on a range of topics related to giftedness. QAGTC conducts conferences, and provides support to regional action for gifted children.
All financial members belong to one association titled QAGTC Inc. and QAGTC activities are open to all members. Statewide management is the responsibility of the annually-elected State Management Committee (SMC). A branch network functions in some locations as local support for adults, as well as providing opportunities for gifted children to interact with their peers. As a self-help, volunteer organisation, members support others and share ideas and practical advice.
You can choose whether you wish to become aligned with a particular branch upon joining, or remain a general member. You are invited to all QAGTC activities, whether conducted by a branch or as an initiative of the State Management Committee.
Objectives of QAGTC as stipulated in the Constitution are:
- To provide an organisational focus for the recognition for the existence and needs of gifted and talented children;
- To provide for the prevention and relief of the psychological distress which can be caused in both parents and children by the exceptional abilities possessed by the child
- To obtain and disseminate information on the nature of giftedness and the difficulties experienced by gifted and talented children, their parents and their teachers;
- To provide assistance to gifted and talented children, to their parents and to other interested persons without prejudice;
- To assist in the development of gifted and talented children in need or from deprived or financially limited backgrounds;
- To promote public, institutional, governmental and individual acceptance and awareness of the needs of gifted and talented children;
- To promote the inclusion of relevant courses on gifted and talented children in programs for the training and further education of teachers and educational administrators, guidance officers and other relevant personnel;
- To provide opportunities for formal and informal interaction between gifted and talented children and between their families;
- To seek representation on all policy making bodies in matters pertaining to these objects; and
- To maintain contact with similar organisations within Australia and overseas.