Jamboree Heights State School
35 Beanland Street
Jamboree Heights QLD 4074
This presentation will explore the often claimed, frequently discussed but rarely dissected or understood phenomena: boredom. This information enables parents and teachers to recognise tedium; know when it tends to occur; how to manage boredom; how to avoid and address complaints about boredom; how to respond positively and appropriately.
Michele Juratowitch is Director of Clearing Skies, providing a range of services including counselling, parent education, advocacy, consultancy, professional development, research and resources to support the needs of gifted children, adolescents, their parents, teachers and organisations. Michele has been a lecturer in the postgraduate course in Gifted Education at GERRIC, UNSW; was awarded a Churchill Fellowship; is a frequent presenter at conferences and is co-author of the resource, Make a Twist: Curriculum differentiation for gifted students and the research report, Releasing the Brakes for High Ability Students.
For more information about this event please email west [at] qagtc.org.au
Bookings are now closed (as of 09/06/2019 - 18:00)