Welcome to 2023! We would like to invite you to an informal parent night to meet our committee members and share experiences of parenting and/or teaching gifted or GLD students. All welcome - a light supper will be provided.
Event start
Event end
Event type
Maximum places
Event address
Kenmore library - Rooms 1/2
9 Brookfield road
Kenmore QLD 4069
Please join us for this first meeting of 2023 for a casual meet and greet and to share stories - we are very happy to support your journey. Please access the Kenmore Library meeting room via the car park lifts.
Cost per Financial member
Cost per Non-financial member
Payment summary
For more information about this event please email west [at] qagtc.org.au
Bookings are now closed (as of 13/02/2023 - 10:30)