The start of a new school year can present certain challenges for parents of gifted and GLD students. Join us on the 4th of March to share how the year has started for you and let us know what you want to know more about in upcoming sessions. Please note the new location for our meetings this year - Mt Ommaney Library.
Event start
Event end
Event type
Maximum places
Event address
Mt Ommaney Library
171 Dandenong Road. Parking is adjacent
Mt Ommaney QLD 4074
You may like to reflect on some of the following questions in preparation:
What positive experiences have you or your child had so far this year? Who has initiated or been involved in this?
What challenges are presenting themselves? Who do you think could assist in resolving this?
Have you noticed anything interesting about your child or their classroom/school this year?
What topics would you like to hear more about from QAGTC West in 2024?
Cost per Financial member
Cost per Non-financial member
Payment summary
This is a free event.
For more information about this event please email west [at] qagtc.org.au
Bookings are now closed (as of 04/03/2024 - 17:00)