QAGTC South Playfest - Additional activities for younger children

Families attending Dr Kee's Introduction to Robotics workshop may have younger children who are too young to participate in the event.

Please let us know how many children are attending so we can plan for other activities for them.
Activities will be free and will not incur additional charges. Adult supervision will be required.
Event start
Event end
Event type
Maximum places
Event address

Robertson State School
688 Musgrave Road
Robertson QLD 4109

Families attending Dr Kee's robotics workshop may have younger children under 5 years old who are too young to participate in the event.

Please let us know how many children are attending so we can plan for other activities for them.

Activities will be free and will not incur additional charges. Adult supervision will be required.

Cost per Financial member
Cost per Non-financial member
Payment summary
No payment will be required for this activity

For more information about this event please email south [at]


Bookings are now closed (as of 14/02/2023 - 00:00)