QAGTC Brisbane South End of Year Get Together
Event start
Event end
Event type
Maximum places
Event address
Robertson State School
Musgrave Road
Robertson QLD 4109
In previous years, we have met at the Garden City food court, Cafe down at Market Square and even the Restaurant around in Robertson Village. This year we are going to try food delivery!
Meeting at Robertson State School Board Room 7pm 22nd Thursday.
RSVP to help with catering.
email south [at] qagtc [dot] org [dot] au
Cost per Financial member
split cost on the night
Cost per Non-financial member
split cost on the night
Payment summary
we are going to split the bill on the night
For more information about this event please email south [at] qagtc.org.au
Bookings are now closed (as of 22/11/2018 - 19:00)