QAGTC North Branch AGM

We are looking for some new faces, including a new branch president, so if you have a passion for helping gifted children and their families, we would love to hear from you!
The Queensland Association of Gifted and Talented Children (QAGTC) is a non-profit organisation that seeks to support parents, teachers and other key stakeholders on the needs of gifted children. The North Branch looks forward to welcoming you to any of our branch activities.
The AGM for Brisbane North was held on the 26th August. All the 2017/2018 office bearers did not want to continue in the positions and unfortunately there were no nominations for any of the positions. Therefore at the current time there is no North Branch operational. For enquiries please email to office [at] qagtc [dot] org [dot] au.
Branches are run by volunteers and there is naturally a time limit on when they would like to step away from the branch commitments and unless other financial members step up to take on the positions then a branch cannot function in their own capacity. We thank the past North Branch committee of Amy Lanchester, Gloria Vega and Samantha Spanner for the time and dedication to operation of the QAGTC North Branch and wish them well.
If you are a QAGTC financial member and are interested in being part of a team to re-establish the North Branch please email your interest to office [at] qagtc [dot] org [dot] au
In 2018 we will meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month during the school year. We will also be holding exciting Children's Workshops on weekends. Event dates and information will be available on the Events page and will be updated regularly.
Each term, our north branch offers discussion meetings and guest speakers to help us to gain a deeper understanding of giftedness, and to support parents in the joys and challenges of raising gifted children.
General Information
We are a group of northsiders whose lives have been touched in some way by children who are identified as (or whom we suspect may be) gifted and talented.
We offer practical tools, such as a library of resources (see list below); access to latest research articles about educational accommodations; parent-to-parent support; professional and knowledgeable guest speakers; workshops and activities for gifted children and family events.
Above all, we offer friendship and support in a non-judgmental atmosphere. We find our stories of both successes and challenges resonate strongly with others who often feel relieved to be finally understood.
All are welcome to attend.
Checkout the "Events" section to see what's currently on offer.
President - Amy Lanchester
Secretary - Gloria Vega
Treasurer - Sam Spanner
Email: north [at] qagtc [dot] org [dot] au